Strength Training And Blister Prevention

We've partnered with Balmain Sports Medicine to provide you with the support you need to train and prepare for Trek

Check out these short videos for tips on strength training and blister prevention

Balmain Sports Medicine practitioners offer a range of services that can help you get into peak condition in the lead up to Trek, with services in physiotherapy, podiatry, massage, diet and nutrition, and more. 

Some trekkers might choose to make an appointment with Balmain Sports Medicine the day before Trek to get their feet professionally strapped. This is a great way to prevent blisters. Watch the video below to see how it's done. 

On event weekend, Balmain Sports Medicine will send a team of physiotherapy, massage and podiatry volunteers to one of our Fun Stops to provide the support you need to cross that finish line. This service is generously provided to Camp Quality Trekkers free of charge. Your weary feet and bodies will be glad to see them. Make sure you let them know they are a bunch of legends!

Preparing for Trek with strength training
Blister prevention strapping
Blister prevention for toes

Training tips


Train on course

Train on the trail whenever possible or on other uneven & hilly terrain!


Training diary

Keep a training diary and record the distances & sections of the trail you’ve covered.

You can log your kms on your fundraising page to keep your supporters up to date on how you're doing.


The 10% rule

As a general rule, don’t increase your total weekly distance covered or the distance of your long walk by more than 10%, as this can increase your chances of injury.

Hills training

  • Include 1 hill per week in the first 4 weeks then...
  • Add specific hill-repeat training 1-2 x week for 8 weeks
  • Hill repeats (especially downhill) are the most important!

Why? Downhill eccentrically loads muscles as they lengthen and this produces higher muscle forces / demands.

Be careful when running downhill because of the increased risk of injury.


Cross Training

Cross train with swimming, cycling, boxing, cross-trainer, rowing, or weights.

  • This helps to prevent injuries
  • Maintain fitness during injuries
  • Makes training more interesting

If time is a problem, use ‘interval training’ – it is faster, more intense, boosts muscle strength / stamina and improves muscle endurance


Test your shoes

  • Wear a good pair of hiking boots or running shoes.
  • Make sure they are well broken in before the event by wearing them on practice walks.
  • A spare pair of broken in shoes is recommended at the Fun Stops.

Don't try anything new

    Don't try anything new just before the event.
    Don't wear a fancy new pair runners or try a new fancy drink.

    Try & test everything before hand!


    Take a break

    Work out the best strategy for your team:
    • What to eat / drink
    • How long to rest for
    • What gear changes you’ll need
    • Time needed to warm back up

    Go as fast as your slowest member

    This is a team event. Look after each other on the trail. 

    Time on your feet

      Training is not about speed or distance, but rather time on your feet.

      The most important part of training is the repeat long walk, where you do back-to-back walks on successive days.

      Find a rhythm

      Apply the pattern that you practised in training

      Make it fun

      Fun provides entertainment and encouragement.

      Arrange your training walks to finish at a beach or local cafe, then invite friends and family to join you.


      Reduce the a) volume & b) intensity of training on the 2 weekends prior to the event.

      You should now be fit, so ‘freshening up’ is more important now!

      See our preparation and equipment page for more tips

      Still have questions?

      1300 662 267