Register your school to participate in Giggle Day this June.


Spread the word in your school newsletter or app and ask for support using our resources.


Pick a day, week or the entire month of June to raise funds for Camp Quality and give kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again. Visit our fundraising tips and tricks here.


Write and share jokes to spread positivity, fun and laughter in the school yard while raising funds to help kids at every step of their cancer journey.

how do i hold a giggle day?

You can hold a joke-a-thon assembly, start a lunchtime comedy club or simply spare five minutes in class to share your favourite jokes!

Whatever fun idea you have, you'll bring your school community together and spread positivity, fun and laughter in the school yard! Visit our FAQ page for more ideas!

until the laughter starts!

Have a Question?

Visit the FAQ page or contact the Giggle Day team.

 1300 662 267