Tahlia Weston

Big Walk for Little Kids 2023

I'm walking 100km for kids facing cancer.

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

Support my Big Walk for Little Kids

Hi! My name is Tahlia, I am a Mum of 5 and have a beautiful big family. Unfortunately within a big family we have big losses, we’ve lost our loved ones and shared that pain. Every few years I dedicate myself to a charity and shave my head for the name of Cancer Awareness, this year we are changing it up and pushing our bodies to the limit. Raising funds, getting the word out and most of all connecting with our community to raise awareness together. 

Every day, 2 Australian families are given the heart-breaking news that their child has cancer.

I've joined the Big Walk with my sisters under “Just Keep Swimming” for Little Kids to support kids facing cancer.

We walking to raise funds for Camp Quality to support their services and programs to help children aged 0-15 years old who are dealing with their own diagnosis, or the diagnosis of a brother, sister, mum or dad.

Anything counts! Share, Like, Donate or Talk About It. Thankyou!

Just Keep Swimming ??

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Thank you to my supporters!

