Assured Home Care

Big Walk for Little Kids 2023

Support our Big Walk for Little Kids

Every day, 2 Australian families are given the heart-breaking news that their child has cancer.

We've joined the Big Walk for Little Kids to support kids facing cancer.

We're walking to raise funds for Camp Quality to support their services and programs to help children aged 0-15 years old who are dealing with their own diagnosis, or the diagnosis of a brother, sister, mum or dad.

By creating positive memories, Camp Quality helps change the cancer story for kids and their families. Please support us to give kids and families the break from cancer they urgently need. As they say at Camp Quality “laughter is the best medicine”, so please give generously so we can spread those smiles far and wide.

Thank you so much.

Our Badges

Thank you to our Sponsors


Andrew Findlay


Matched Donation


Lisa Findlay


Matched Donation


Deb Crompton

Good luck everyone 😀


Grant & Andrea Digance

Great effort & great cause Darling xx


Matched Donation


Maria S


Matched Donation


Rhys Digance


Matched Donation




Matched Donation


Adilah Again Bish!


Matched Donation


Donna Horne

Well done to all concerned


Adilah Yamin


James Thomas

Incredibly noble cause, well done Zali


Stephenson Maria


Matched Donation


Richard Tisher


Matched Donation



Great stuff!




Shamika Fernando


Matched Donation


Nancy & James Findlay


Silk Ky

You go girl


David Hampton

Proud of you, Tay


Zali Grove


Matched Donation




Rayner Sharon

Go Tara


Kelly Renfrey


Ash Mitchell


Matched Donation




Joey R



Matched Donation


Vullnet Salko


Matched Donation


Deb Crompton




Anna Porter


Kelli O'rielly


Kelly Loades

Good luck. This is amazing


Jodi And Steve

Go girl. Love Steve and Jodi


Matched Donation


Tara Coathupe




Ellen Rousvanis

Lots of love the Martino’s


Matched Donation


Leah Stephenson



Love you sunshine 🌻


Kaitlyn Mitchell



Good luck!


Matched Donation


Tara Coathupe




Jeneen Overeem


Mrs Silly Goose

I donated again just so i can write silly messages


Matched Donation


Kim Forbes


Sia Kalamaris



Matched Donation


Olivia Detomaso

Good luck and god bless the kids ❤️ x


Matched Donation


Adam Murakami




Pauly D

Fist pump, push up, chap stick



We didn’t come this far, just to come this far



You go girl