Mary McLaren

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I've joined Convoy Geelong to help kids facing cancer

I will kick-start the drive from Beckley Park on Sunday, 18 February 2024 to bring positivity, fun and laughter back into the lives of kids facing cancer. 

Every month, 64 kids are diagnosed with a cancer.

For 40 years, Camp Quality has improved the quality of life for kids impacted by cancer, and their families.

Camp Quality's programs and services help families build optimism and resilience through community, education and fun. They support kids (0-15) dealing with their own cancer diagnosis, or the diagnosis of a sibling, parent, or carer, every step of the way.

Last year, Camp Quality supported 1 in 3 kids diagnosed with cancer. Their goal is to help them all!

Please donate to my page and help give kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again.

My Achievements

Raise $175

Raise $250

Raise $500

Raise $750

Raise $1000

Raise $5000