Sam Budden

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Help me support kids and families impacted by cancer.

I'm gearing up for an epic motorcycle adventure to raise money for kids facing cancer.

Leaving Newcastle, I will join 70 other riders from Friday, 22 to Sunday, 24 March, travelling through regional NSW towns to help raise awareness and vital funds for Camp Quality.

Every month, 64 kids are diagnosed with a cancer. I’ll let that sink in – 64 KIDS EVERY MONTH.

For 40 years, Camp Quality has improved the quality of life for kids impacted by cancer, and their families.

Camp Quality's programs and services help families build optimism and resilience through community engagement, education and fun. They support kids (0-15) dealing with their own cancer diagnosis or the diagnosis of a sibling, parent, or carer every step of the way.

Last year, Camp Quality supported 1 in 3 kids diagnosed with cancer. Their goal is to help them all!

Please donate to my page and help give kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again.

Every single dollar goes towards putting big smiles on little faces, and all donations $2 or more are 100% tax deductible. It’s been a tough year for everyone, but please give whatever you can. Once again – on behalf of the kids and Camp Quality – Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

My Achievements

Thank you to my supporters!


Tristate Land Sales Advisory Sponsorship


Ktm Newcastle Sponsorship


Brendan Walsh

Well done mate!!


Sam Budden



Well done mate.


Kym Durling

Grip and Rip Barra


Gaynor Budden

Ride well, Sam…and Pete!


Katrina Ward

Have a great time riding and fun-raising!


Justin & Ange

Good luck on the ride.


Warren Tresidder



Matthew Waddell

Great work buddy!