Edward Orszulak

Big Walk for Little Kids 2024


Meroe Mozakka


Michael Steele


David Cronin


My Activity Tracking


My target 2600 kms

Support my Biggest Big Walk for Little Kids

Hi there, 

I’m Ed and I have volunteered with Camp Quality since 2012 as a companion on camps and as a fundraiser. Over the past 4 years, I have supported ‘Big Walk for Little Kids’ and ‘Trek4Kids – Kilimanjaro’, raising over $35k for this amazing organisation.  

To date, I have walked a total of 1,566km to help Camp Quality support little kids doing it really tough dealing with a cancer diagnosis. This year I plan on walking just over 2,600km from King Georges Square, Brisbane to Federation Square, Melbourne. To make every step count I’ve set myself the fundraising goal of $250,000!

Why EDS Biggest Big Walk for Little Kids? Well for a start EDS doesn’t just stand for me it stands for Ed, Dave and Seb. Seb (AKA Sebastian Boehm) and Dave (AKA Dave Finney) who were the originators of the idea. Dave and Seb were both Camp Quality volunteers orvollies’ with me. We all saw firsthand how important these programs are to kids whose childhoods get consumed by cancer. Did you know that every day, two Aussie families are given the heartbreaking news that their child has cancer? It’s not only devastating for the child, but crippling for the whole family. Vollies like me, Seb and Dave go on camps and fun days and give those kids the kind of childhood experiences they’ve been missing, it makes all the difference on the long road of a cancer journey 

As for day jobs, I’m in the Australian Army, Dave was in the Royal Australian Navy and Seb is a Firefighter with ACT Fire and Rescue. Not long after the Biggest Walk idea was hatched, Dave left the Navy after a long struggle with PTSD. If you look at pics of Dave from camp, he always had a huge smile on his face. His mates just didn’t know how hard that PTSD had hit him. Sadly, Dave lost his battle with mental health. So this walk is also in memory of a great friend and brilliant Camp Quality vollie 

After losing Dave, Seb and I were determined to keep the walk on track. Seb has been a passionate vollie for over 25 years and was integral to the development of this walkUnfortunately, Seb had injuries to his shoulder and back that required surgery. Despite Seb’s best efforts, his back is still not strong enough, forcing him to make the difficult decision to not participate in the walk this time 

So here I go, walking for all the kids and families going through the trauma of cancer, and for my fellow vollies. 

You can help too! 

It would be awesome if you could donate to help me reach my target. 

As they say at Camp Quality “laughter is the best medicine”, and I’m going to need a good sense of humour to get through this. Please give generously so I can spread those smiles far and wide. 

Thanks for your support, 


I've raised $5027 so far!

So far, I have helped provide...

128 Digital Puppet Playdates to kids going through treatment.

83 kids a chance to have a break at Family Fun Days.

41 kids to have fun at Kid’s Camp.







My Badges

Thank you to my supporters!


Meroe & Masoud

You are a generous and selfless soul, Ed. Thanks for doing this for the sick kids. All the very best with your BIG BIG BIG walk!


Scott Revell

Well done Ed for raising money for a great cause!


David Cronin


Ms Environmental

Smash em Ed


Cam Lynch

Such an inspiration, Ed and Seb! Dave would be so proud, and appreciative of you honouring his legacy and memory. You have all been wonderful contributors to Camp Quality over many years and the kids are always happy to see you! Best of luck with the big, big walk!!!


Kevin Wall

Thank you and best of luck.


Zachary Kennedy


Natalie Ceola

You are an incredible humans for what your are doing. Camp Quality is so lucky to have you and Seb on their side. I have no doubt that Dave would be so incredibly proud of you both!!


Jamie Roberts

Well done mate, you are a legend!


Wayne Chetcuti

Good luck (even though you don’t need it). I know you’ll smash it. Thanks for all you do for this cause. Very inspiring.


Peter Carey

Look luck Ed. I look forward to catching up during your VIC leg.


Finley Stone


Conor Bastock


Daniel England


Adrian Bielenberg

Saw the write up in Army news Ed. All the best for your long walk for a great cause. Cheers, Bug.


Petar Gojkovic

Great work and good luck


Rob Mitchell

Good luck mate and well done


Leanne Feurer

So much dedication to helping others. Happy Walking


Kim Anderson

Absolute legend xx


Dave Fintan

Onya, legends! 🧡



Go for it Ed


Christine E

Love your work Ed! One step at a time :-)


John Mccaffery


Di & Lynda

All the best Ed and team.


Mark Ascough

Good luck for the trek. A great cause.


Rob Pickersgill

Well done Ed!


Kat Howkins

Goodluck and you guys 100% have this. Thank you for having such a big heart and doing something amazing to help these littles one make some incredible memories.


Michelle Galjaardt


Dan O'kane

From Ardee the Red Cattle Dog


Minell S


Ed Orszulak

You have to back yourself, don't you. You got this


Ange Hoppe

Smash it boys! Well done! Proud to call you my friends!


Billy, Jack, Clare, Heather, Chris Mckenna

Good work Ed, you’re a legend! Love the way you roll, admired you from our first meeting back in Canberra at a camp quality event! Good luck 🤞 legend, Dave would be very proud


Dave’s Spika Roadshow




Fabian H


Tam F

Great cause Ed



Good luck mate, smash it



All the best, Ed.


Karen Bayliss




Dave B


Steph Abra


Zoe Betteridge

Ed you Legend! All the best for the big walk, and see you at the next camp!


Savannah Richards


Monique Mcevoy

Good on you Ed for a very worthy cause


Jess Cornall




Mark Deller

Your awesome :)


Tracy Joyes

Good luck Edward.


Savannah Richards




Gracie Thorpe

Good luck Ed!